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Sweet 17. I like anything and everything that makes my smile :) Follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/josdeminoodle Instagram: @ping_needs_food

Monday, May 31, 2010

ok i know my this personal blog very 乏味 or well, 悶... cos  i really have no idea what to say. Anyway, here's a quote from 黃子華 . He said:

好多人唔明历史有咩用,历史咪话你听边o的人死左罗。It's in cantonese so i'll translate to chinese if u don't understand. Here's a brief translation: 好多人不明白歷史是用來做什麼。歷史不就是告訴你誰死咯。。。 Haha quite a funny quote and i like it :)) /wahaha


  1. yeah! looked back at this post and realises why i scored so well for history this time foe end of year. I got 41/50 which is A1. It's because i understand what history is all about. HIstory is all about telling you who has died. So easy right? Haha :)


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